Atlas Zone Therapy

The position of the highest cervical vertebra has a major influence on our health.

It has been known for some time that the position of the highest cervical vertebra is often incorrect, even immediately after birth.

This highest cervical vertebra is called the atlas. In many people, the atlas is skewed and/or tilted, and this can cause various symptoms and physical problems. Fortunately, it is possible to achieve an <atlas correction> through treatment, so that symptoms are reduced or disappear altogether.

Causes of symptoms

A wrong move, overexertion of the neck, headaches, an unfortunate fall, or a traffic accident – all these can worsen the misalignment of the atlas and sometimes cause a sudden onset of annoying symptoms such as fatigue, chronic headaches, or dizziness.

The pathway from the skull to the spine may be narrower because of a misaligned atlas, and this can put pressure on certain cranial nerves, blood vessels, or the spinal cord. The effect can be that you can’t turn your head as far anymore, or maybe you experience cramps or blockages.

After some time, your body will try to compensate for this situation, e.g. by assuming an unnatural posture. You can read under physical symptoms which ailments are common and are treated with the Atlas Zone therapy.

The atlas

In this image you see the back of the neck and head. The neck has seven vertebrae. The top one is called <the atlas>, indicated here by red light.

This vertebra is named after the mythological figure who carried the whole world on his shoulders, just like the atlas vertebra carries the entire head – about 7 kilos.

This is a very delicate and hidden connection. Our heavy head must fit well onto the top of the atlas, just like a teacup fits on its saucer.

When this connection is flawed, all kinds of symptoms can arise.

The atlas vertebra
griekse atlas
Atlas as depicted in Greek mythology

Atlas Zone treatment

The Atlas Zone treatment is a safe method that doesn’t involve manipulation or ‘cracking’. Using a sophisticated device developed in Switzerland, the muscles that lie just below the skull are influenced.

This treatment ‘exhausts’ the muscles underneath the skull, and eventually they relax. This frees up the atlas to move back into the right position. As a result, the tension in the ligaments, muscles and tissues disappears. A so-called reset has taken place, which often literally feels like a liberation. Usually only one treatment is needed to reposition the atlas.


After an <atlas correction>, many people find that they are better able to walk upright again and that they are ‘fully back in life’ again. The Atlas Zone treatment gives the body a chance for recovery, and this in turn reduces or even completely eliminates physical symptoms. Worldwide, already more than two million people have been treated. You can read more about the results in <experiences by clients> and <reviews from doctors and therapists.>


The Atlas Zone treatment is a helpful step towards living in better health. A correctly aligned atlas is a prerequisite for the body’s self-healing powers to unfold. It allows the body to fully utilize its capabilities again. This makes the Atlas Zone method primarily a preventive modality, which ideally should be applied at an early stage in life.

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atlas zone therapie


Op 10 mei 2017 is de Atlas Zone praktijk van drs. Wim van den Berg gevisiteerd door AVAR. Het volledige evaluatie rapport ligt ter inzage in de praktijk van Drs.

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